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A Few More Words About My Novel

By Carlos Romero

“Truth be told, despite all appearances and his lofty aspirations—Carlos is really down-to-earth—an all-around practical joker!”

Published December 12, 2020

I wanted to give everyone a little more background on the history and inception of my novel.

I began writing Beyond the Pillars of Hercules in the fall of 2017. And I was pretty much finished with the first draft in early 2019.

Of course, since that period of time there has been an endless flurry of editing and revisions!

In the spring of 2019, I even recruited the help of a professional developmental editor who was very instrumental in helping me put the entire puzzle into a coherent whole.

Like I said in my bio, I have no formal schooling or training in writing to speak of. Other than the numerous posts/reviews that I had contributed on Amazon—writing a novel/work of fiction was all knew to me.

The funny thing is and I’m sure most writers can attest to this as well—it seems you’re never quite satisfied with the completed text. You’re always thinking—there’s something that can be improved or made better!

Every time you think you have it just the way you want it. You find that there’s something else that you want to change, add or omit.

Just to give you an example, one of the greatest writers that ever lived, Honoré de Balzac, would time and time again—revise and update his already published and existing written works.

He was a perfectionist at heart and he was one prolific writer. Balzac’s output was voluminous and yet it was grandiose in its scope and vision.

Anyway, that’s just one of the dilemmas that a writer is faced with while trying to ‘finish the job’ as they say.

The other major one is of course (especially for a new writer with no previously published titles), trying to find or getting a literary agent/publisher interested in your completed text.

Believe me, it’s not easy! Sometimes, it just makes you want to give up altogether.

So, that’s where you (the reading public) come in!

I need to know how many of you would be interested in reading my book?

How many of you (the interested reader) would actually spend your hard-earned money on my book? (In all available formats.)

Remember, you can get an excellent brief synopsis/description of my novel (Beyond the Pillars of Hercules) in my previous post—A Few Words About My Novel.

But admittedly, my book/novel is not for everyone. I already knew as much!

Everyone’s tastes, likes and dislikes are different. And I’m fine with that. It’s understandable.

What’s the reason I’m asking these questions?

It’s because I wrote this book/novel for people everywhere (from all walks of life) to read—simple as that! It’s because at some point (if I don’t get picked up by a publisher) I’ll have to consider self-publishing and all of the ramifications that go along with that.

Regardless, when it’s all said and done—it may well be the self-publishing route that I will have to choose.

But that’s what I’ve been preparing for all along. I’m ready to take on the challenge when the time comes.

Hell, what am I talking about!

In the end, I know I’ll be acting as the very best: agent, public relations, marketing/sales strategist—that money can buy!

So, that’s why I need to know how many of you would seriously consider reading my book/novel?

Thank you. You feedback is gratefully appreciated.

Love and Peace,

Carlos E Romero

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