Beyond the Pillars of Hercules
The life story of one special human being
By Carlos E. Romero
My Path to Initiation
I’ve often asked myself—what makes one want to be a writer? What made me want to start writing in the first place?
About ten years ago, I began writing and posting reviews on Amazon—on films, books, and music that I had purchased or of titles which I was already familiar with. At the time, this was just a passing interest…
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Faust . . . a Work of the Purest Sublime Truth Book 2
I’ll get right into it and start where I left off in my review of book 1 of Faust—where I said that the first part (book 1), was an ingeniously elaborated allegorical tale (in the form of a poem) that exemplified the beginnings of spiritual initiation/awareness on the...
Faust . . . a Work of the Purest Sublime Truth
I first read and finished, Faust (book 1) almost a year ago now. Then I got started on book 2, and after taking a deliberate amount of time—I was able to completely finish that one as well (from cover to cover). I held off on writing a review, because I really needed...
The Magus by John Fowles Book Review
“Tomorrow let him love, who has never loved; he who has loved, let him love tomorrow.” I knew that I at some point in my life I was going to read this book. Ultimately, when my turn finally came, I read The Magus for a particular reason altogether. You see, I...