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Why Have Spiritual Principles Become a Conundrum and Anathema?


By Carlos Romero

“Truth be told, despite all appearances and his lofty aspirations—Carlos is really down-to-earth—an all-around practical joker!”

Published October 29, 2020

I often asked myself, Why aren’t more people today spiritually conscious? What has happened to change all that?

But before I address that question, let me first start by defining just what spiritually conscious exactly means. 

The way I see it, one is spiritually conscious the minute you begin to realize that you have a soul and spirit and that we have a deeper connection to other human beings and other living things. The aforementioned is especially true if this perception or idea was discerned from intuition—from an innate sense. 

When one questions existence itself; this is the definitive stages of spiritual initiation/awareness. 

In short, one becomes spiritually conscious/aware when one comes to the realization that you as an individual (spirit and soul) are part of a greater universal consciousness. 

Of course, it doesn’t end there. This is just the beginning of a long journey before we can truly become spiritually conscious beings.

I’ll even use an analogy from my own life experience as an example. 

When I was a child—like most people of course, I was very inquisitive about the world that surrounded me. I was completely fascinated and captivated by Mother Nature. What made it tick, what made it go—what held it all together?

For instance—when in biology class I was taught about the human body; that it was made up of so many organs, and the organs were made up of infinitesimal number of cells, and in turn these cells were made up of molecules, and so on and so on. 

Then I came to learn that there was a molecular structure and an atomic and even a subatomic one behind the components and construct of the material or physical world. 

So far, so good, right?

But then I started thinking, Okay, no problem there. I get all that. But what created or what is ultimately behind these smallest of components of physical reality? What do you call that? What is it?

I began to question existence itself! I asked myself things like, What if I wasn’t born? Where would I be, what would I be? Would I even exist? 

But if I didn’t exist, what would I be, where would I be? What would everything else be,  would it exist too? How does anything exist? If nothing ever existed, what would it be? Where would it be? 

But how can nothing exist? How can nothing come from nothing? This nothing must be something therefore it has always existed!

Believe it or not—these were the kind of questions that I asked myself as a child. Just imagine the mental picture of profound perplexities that went swirling through my young mind. Enough to drive some people crazy, perhaps. 

But it worked, it did the trick!

Because from that point forward I had received an invaluable impulse that has stayed with me since that period of time. I had obtained my first knowledge of a spiritual reality, albeit, it was still a very rudimentary one. 

 And yet, it was a knowledge that to be sure had started from an empirical basis which had evolved into an intuitive experience of the same. In other words, an inborn conceptual knowledge or precognition—if you will. 

I know that to a lot of people this may sound confusing and unfamiliar to their way of thinking. So, I’ll give you another way of looking at it.  

Anyone familiar with Plato has probably heard of his doctrine of ideas: it holds that only ideas encapsulate the true and essential nature of things, in a way that the physical form cannot. 

Basically, in a nutshell, what Plato was trying to tell us is that behind or preceding the physical/mechanical world there is the ideal world, of the ideal form. 

What that really means is that before there can be a physical tree, a cat, a person, its ideal form already existed a priori in an incorporeal world. In other words, in the spirit. 

And by the way, Plato had only elaborated a concept that was already quite familiar to Pythagoras and many more unknown initiates before them. 

This knowledge had already been disseminated to the select few by the mystery schools of antiquity. But that’ll have to be reserved for a whole different topic and discussion all together. 

 Okay, so now getting back to my original question of why aren’t more people spiritually conscious? Right! 

 But first and foremost, let me address a very important point that will eventually be raised about me as a person (my character).

 Yes, I am a Christian through and through. I believe in Christianity and the mystery of the Christ as a mystical fact and truth. I believe in the esoteric tradition.

No, I am not a guru, a mystic, or disciple of so and so. I have no religious or cultish affiliation of any kind. I don’t belong to any group or so-called secret societies or the like. 

In fact, I can’t stand organized religions (I was raised a Roman Catholic) however, I respect everyone’s right to hold their own religious beliefs or adherence to the same and I would never persecute or dislike someone for not thinking or believing the way I do. 

I wouldn’t want or expect everyone to think or feel exactly as I do—because then you wouldn’t be a separate individual if you did! 

And although I think I have a very fundamental understanding of spiritual principles—I’m just like everyone else! I have plenty of faults and shortcomings of my own—as a human being and as an individual. 

So, remember, just like everyone else—I have a long way to go before I quit the temple. (just a little esoteric humor there at the end, lol.) 

 Okay, so back to the main question: why aren’t more people spiritually conscious?

The answer is not that difficult really and right before our very eyes. 

It’s because we as human beings, as individual souls, we have reached such a saturation point in our physical evolution that we have totally embraced materialism to the almost complete exclusion of spiritual principles.

I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone in particular but, I’ll explain just what I mean by materialism.

Simply put: materialism is the opposite, the total negation of all things that share or have a stake in spiritual values and principles. 

And let’s face it, a lot people today would probably even be embarrassed or ashamed to admit that they have an interest or an inclination for the mystical or esoteric in life. 

 It’s not entirely your fault though. The not so subtle peer pressure from your fellow human beings—from society, have made you think and believe that this is a foolish way of thinking. 

That it’s ineffective and of no consequence to the world order. That external science knows everything there is to know or can provide better answers—so why bother?

My answer to all that would be, nothing could be further from the truth!

I think that today, in light of what the world is going through in the present time—at no other epoch of human existence has there been a greater need for spiritual principles than in the 21st century. I firmly believe that.

Please share your thoughts and ideas.

Love and Peace,

Carlos E Romero

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